Your Favourite Writers Favourite Writer DTOKS

030 Your Favourite Artists’ Favourite Artists: DTOKS


I grew up in the very outer suburbs on the west line of Brisbane. This line has a strong rail heritage and early graffiti scene which forms the backbone to my style and fundamental core view of what writing is: bombing, tracksides, style, burners, trains and exploration. Since my first piece in the early 90´s,  graffiti has evolved and so have I, taking influence from art, design, nature, friends, travel, education, different cities, people that I meet and graffiti I see, but the flame ignited by what I saw in my childhood still burns bright in my heart and my pieces to this day. I think there might be a similar flame burning in the hearts of my favourite writers as well. Love to my crews TooFresH and the GhostWriters, and special shoutout to my main writing partners over the years: EPIK Rest In Peace, FLOAT, NOISE, 2RISE, and GENOM. 


The best name in graffiti. There aren´t too many train writers who have the longevity and consistency that Pubes does. Big pieces, loose style, bold colours, funky characters, fun sign-offs and nothing ever half-assed. His influence is undeniable for many.

#2 EGS

Some people are so far ahead that they can transcend dimensions, reach into the future of possibilities and manifest it right here and now in front of your eyes like some sort of magician. Even if they told you how the trick´s done, you would probably fuck it up. 


In the ego-driven world of graffiti, more de-calcified pineal glands and nail polish can only be a good thing.  

Baer graffiti on Erie Alley in San Francisco


If you´ve been to Barcelona then you will have seen these two. For me, they epitomise the spirit of writing. Tags, throw-up, streets, pieces, rollers, ladders, trains, style, fun and fucking everywhere. If you think you paint a lot, guess again.


Totem brings letters to life, bending them to his will. His letters have strong backbones which then support whatever stance he puts them in. If that wasn´t strong enough, he then covers them in mechanized armor ready to battle anyone and everyone.  When it comes to style in the graffiti game, he is the final boss.

Follow DETOK on instagram @detoksick

Check out the artists mentioned in this feature


#2 EGS @oldhelsinki

#3 BAER @reptoid_rex


#5 TOTEM @mistertotem2

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