So, I’m Jimboe from New England, USA. I’ve been painting for about 23 years now, but really started to figure out my style and such since 2007-2008.
For me my favorite artists need to have an original style and tenacity. There are so many people out here painting, I really like seeing those that have either set the regional style or just completely broke out of that.
Also, they gotta have the tenacity and drive. Finding someone who powers through a shit winter or crazy summer or constantly finds new spots or hammers down to keep the buff busy is really important. When a person has style and drive, they’re a force to be reckoned with.
I have so many favorites, I’ll narrow it down to a few I paint with the most and some style monsters.
The dude is the homie, flat out, and probably would give you the shirt off his back but not his slice of pizza, ha!! Intricate, colorful, original pieces, but can drop a knock out chrome and always exploring and finding new places to paint.

Geser paints big pieces that have great flow and tech to them. Dude pretty much one shots everything and has the ability to really give the letters weight and bounce.

#3 Ouija
Ouija is like a style chameleon, he can go from that transcend crew one line, to technical computer rock, to fonts, to euro stuff and back. All with great color choices, flow, and all done YEAR LONG. 😏

Above has this great ability to really construct his stuff from the tag. He can lay out a simple flow and then starts structuring in bars and arrows and all that jazz and he makes the illest pieces from the most humble and true start, the tag. Above makes his graff fit the space, so he can do big-sized, odd shapes, or tiny tech joints. Also, his finished pieces look like they can kick your ass.

#5 DIZER156
Dize from Paris, France. Dude crushes! Dize is ruthless and hammers every surface he can reach. Dize can do all types of letters, simples, big block stompers, and crazy intricate chromed-out letters from the future. Dizer is basically never not painting, always busy.

Follow JIMBOE on instagram @jimboewashere
Check out the artists mentioned in this feature
#1 KEMS @allchrome
#2 GESER @geser3a
#3 OUIJA @ye_olde_ouija
#4 ABOVE @upsiempre
#5 DIZER156 @dizaster156