Yo I am Sfer, I’m originally from the outskirts of Naples (Italy), but I’ve been living in East London (UK) for the last 9 years.
I started in ’98, but I have stopped many times, sometimes for years as my life has been on the wrong track a few times. Currently, I try to keep consistent painting every week. Few years ago I gave my tag a meaning. (S.pray F.or E.v’ R). In the early days it was just tagging, quick illegal pieces but my real passion has always been the style, and burners.
The aesthetics of a letter, mixed with a deep study of colours, is my main focus.The constant research for something that takes my style forward is the inside message of my artworks.
I love colour mixing, robot-looking letters, NYC train graffiti from the 80’s, breakdance battles, scratching, visual/digital design….and pizza!
My favourite style is wild style. However, despite the style evolution, but I try to keep my styles pretty readable (or at least I try!) so people could appreciate the aesthetic of the letters.
Shoutout to my crew PS, ADS, in particular Mache…keep rocking bro! and Mevy, the person who supports me the most, my biggest inspiration in life
I know Zeus for a long time as he’s from my hometown Naples. His style evolution has been just incredible, and a big inspiration for me. I love his letter aesthetic, always on point. He’s got infinite styles and combinations. He’s a master in putting letters together, creating compositions with harmony of letters, colours and loops. Boss!

Teso’s style is unique. He’s surely one of the best Italian writers currently active. He’s an eclectic writer with so many skills and you never know what to expect for his next piece. I love the energy, the dynamism he’s able to give every time to his letters. Incredible can control.

I have the privilege to see Chips’s pieces in person as we are both Londoners, painting the same spots. And every time I’m stunned looking at his huge pieces, placed right in the middle of the wall. Aggressive lettering, shiny reflection and clever 3d shadowing are his trademark. Undisputed king of Stockwell Hall of Fame!

Follow SFER on instagram @sfer_ps
Check out the artists mentioned in this feature
#1 ZEUS @zeus40_wb_vmd
#2 TESO @teso_cprsnsis
#3 CHIPS @chips_cdsk