022 Your Favourite Artists’ Favourite Artists: TARNS ONE


Greetings from Adelaide, Australia. I write Tarns and I first started messing around with tags in 1987. I would ride the Belair line in the 80’s then Gawler line in the early 90’s. I’ve been representing RCF crew since 1992 and more recently NA crew. I’m always doing something creative, painting walls, canvas, fences, bridges, tunnels, wherever there is time and opportunities. I hope you enjoy my favourite artists selections. These guys have inspired me to stay productive and versatile in my craft and continue to do so 🙏


I couldn’t comprise this list without paying homage to the style master general. He inspired so many of us coming up in the 80’s/90’s. My mentor @absk_one first pointed out his legendary 2Many car in Subway Art to me and I was blown away. His masterful creations on the trains will be revered forever. 


I’ve always admired Delta’s style and his unique approach to letters and 3D perspectives. Amazing to see where he has taken his art from the trains and walls into his fine art and sculpture practise. 


Puzle took train writing in Australia to new heights, he had the numbers and the quality was unmatched. It was hard to understand how he created such perfect pieces in train yard conditions and you can see elements of his style still echoing throughout many writers pieces to this day. 

#4 RIO

Rio has remained so dedicated to the roots of this movement, a true train machine. I remember seeing footage out of Dortmund in the early 90’s and he had destroyed that system, and now, staying true to his sharp letter style he has developed his own unique graphic abstract practice which is super refined. He is up there with the best in my eyes.

Follow TARNS on instagram @tarns87

Check out the artists mentioned in this feature

#1 DONDI @dondi_the_real

#2 DELTA @boris_tellegen

#3 PUZLE @ezlup

#4 RIO @mason.tfp

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